Monday, October 1, 2012

Lacey's Two Left Feet

Here are some before and after shots of Lacey's feet. Lacey came out of shoes the day the before photos were taken, June 28th, 2012. The after shots were taken about 3 months later, and two trims later, on September 23rd, 2012.

First, Lacey's left front foot. Notice how much shorter the toe has gotten, and how much the heels have opened up. The hoof is much less contracted.

Here are comparisons with the shoe to show how much her heels have opened up, and how far her toe has come back:

Now, Lacey's left hind foot. This is Lacey's problem leg. The hoof was very out of balance, with an extremely long/high toe. The pictures speak for themselves as far as how much her heels have opened up, are no longer run under, and how the imbalance has righted itself:

And here is Lacey enjoying her new, better balanced, healthier feet!

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